Stretches for the Deskbound
You could probably devote an entire book to the subject of stretches for people who find themselves deskbound by their jobs. Being tethered to a desk and computer has become the modern proverbial ball and chain. As a chiropractor, this is grim news: we are seeing more people than ever come through our doors with prematurely degenerated spines and joints that are subject to a 9-5 lifestyle. However, knowledge is growing and we hope to foster a little bit of this awareness in our community. Taking a break and standing up could be the best thing you do for your spinal muscles during an intense work day. So let’s start there: simple. After you’ve stood for a minute, perhaps you’ve walked to the water fountain and had a drink and now it’s back to work. Stop right there! just 60 more seconds of stretching at your desk could make all the difference in whether you feel stiff at the end of the day or not.
While stretching facilitates circulation, it also requires circulation as an input. Take a deep breath and let a greater flow of oxygen circulate through your body as you reach for the sky, holding this position for as long as feels right. Then relax, take another deep breath, exhale and try this stretch for the shoulders, hips and back:
- Place your palms on your lower back
- Stretch your upper body back (against your hands)
- With your pelvis and lower stomach now thrusted forward, hold this position for 5 seconds.
- Release and repeat 3 times.
The benefit of this simple stretch to your entire upper body is enormous. It is a great stretch for making you acutely aware of how much tension accumulates in these trigger points throughout the day. If you need extra help getting rid of tension or pain, chiropractic is a great option. Call our office in Fremont and start feeling healthier and happier at your place of work.
Dr. Francis Scorca, D.C.