Walking: Back to Basics for Big Health Benefits
Americans walk significantly less than other cultures
There’s no use denying it: we are on a trend toward making walking obsolete. We drive, we bike, we segway, we sit; we work on our butts, relax on our butts, and commute on our butts, we eat on our butts; is there an activity that can’t be done on our butts anymore?
But this is not a problem to be taken lightly: imagine (or think about reality) that you are a deskbound worker who sits for the greater part of eight hours on the job each day. If you are awake for 16 hours, then this is 50% of your waking life that you are spent sitting. Here’s what that is doing to your body:
- Muscle degeneration: the core, the hips and lower body, the upper body and neck, all the important parts of your body suffer and will eventually start to cause pain.
- Brain function lowers: circulation of blood and, consequently, oxygen to the brain is hampered.
- Digestion is affected: abdominal contents are compressed which slows down digestion and causes all kinds of untimely bodily discomfort!
This is before you even take posture into account!
Getting back to a walking-heavy lifestyle
Simply put, being sedentary is taking years off your life. It’s time to make a commitment to standing up and walking every once in a while; walking helps you manage weight, improve circulation, strengthen muscles and bones, boost your mood and improve the function of your brain!
- Park your car further away
- Always take the stairs
- Walk across the office rather than sending an e-mail
- Make your lunch hour sacred
- Take walks throughout the day, especially after lunch and dinner!
These are simple things that go un-thought of and stop us from walking! At Scorca Chiropractic Center, we support an anti-sedentary lifestyle. If you need help getting inspired to start walking more or help with healing the troubles brought on by hours spent sedentary, give our office in Fremont a call to schedule an appointment today!
Dr. Francis Scorca, D.C.