Chiropractic Benefits Beyond the Spine

By now most folks out there associate chiropractic treatments with drug-free pain relief for your spine, neck, and back, however, there are additional health benefits to be gleaned from chiropractic adjustments.

Below, Scorca Chiropractic goes over a few lesser-known health benefits our treatments can bring to our patients.

Boosted Immune System

A chiropractic adjustment can help boost your immune system, helping your sick-fighting capabilities function better.

Improved Range of Motion

Chiropractic treatments will help your muscles and joints, which will increase your range of motion and help you avoid injuries down the road.

Better Sleep

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help you get a better night of sleep, so much so that studies have shown that a chiropractic adjustment can even help those with insomnia?

If you have any questions about lesser-known benefits you can get from one simple chiropractic adjustment, contact Scorca Chiropractic today.

Chiropractic for the Business Professional

As more and more of us work burdensome grinds during the week (and even on weekends, for some of us), it’s becoming more important than ever to practice self-care. The business executive is one role that will certainly keep your schedule very busy, but it will also put a lot of wear and tear on your body and mind.

Below, we talk about how chiropractic care is essential for the business person, no matter what level. Scorca Chiropractic is committed to providing education and chiropractic treatments that will help you live a better, healthier life.

The Workplace Grind

When you’re at work, it’s likely that you’re either on your feet all day long, or you’re sitting in a desk. Very few people can strike the perfect balance between standing and sitting. When we sit at our desks and stare at a screen, when we’re driving to work hunched in front of our steering wheel, we’re in awkward positions that distort our bodies, especially our spine.

Lack of Activity

Even though a lot happens in a business day, there’s likely not much physical activity going on, especially for the business professional. Not all of our employers have the resources to equip our offices with gyms and yoga instructors like some of those start-ups like to do. That’s why it’s up to you to get your fitness in — before or after hours. Chiropractic treatment is the perfect antidote for the work grind and the perfect companion to an active lifestyle.

Why Chiropractic?

Chiropractic treatments offer drug-free pain relief, which will keep you more productive for the long haul. Chiropractic adjustments will help your body and brain function at optimum capacity, not to mention bolster your internal systems, keeping your GI tract, immune system, and central nervous system working at their best.

To learn more about how chiropractic treatments can benefit you, contact Scorca Chiropractic to schedule your consultation today.

Easy, Breezy Wellness Tips

Sometimes it’s the simple solutions that get the best results for us and it’s no different when it comes to our health and wellness. The truth is, there are a few easy things you can do that will jumpstart your wellness routine immediately. Below, Scorca Chiropractic goes over a few wellness tips that will get results fast.


Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel and your body will be running closer to 100%.

Get Active

Even if it’s going to the stock room at work to take care of the intangibles, getting up out of your seat should be a top priority when you’re at work and you’re at play. It’s healthier to be active than it is to be slouching around

Experiment with Nutrition

Eat the stuff that makes you feel amazing! Don’t settle for fast food anymore and make sure to eat clean, whole foods — whatever you decide to choose. Go with what works and feels best for you.

Chiropractic adjustments are another simple way to optimize your body and your brain the quick, easy, and all-natural way. Contact Scorca Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more!

3 Ways to Get Outdoors this Fall


As we continue to get into more physical activity, it can get monotonous to spend long hours multiple times per week at a stuffy, crowded gym. In such cases, it’s a great idea to get outdoors to switch up your fitness, health, and wellness routine. 

However, during the fall season, it might be a little harder to get inspired to get outdoors in the colder weather. Below are a few ideas to help get you outside in the colder months of fall.

Morning Hikes

Morning hikes are great to get your body going, not to mention take a little time for yourself before the day gets started. Join a friend or a loved one to catch up on life in the early hours of the morning. You’ll be surprised how quickly you grow to enjoy this practice.

Run a 3k, 5k, or Half or Full Marathon

Running a race is a great way to get into shape and hold yourself accountable for running a certain amount of miles each week. There are tons of races, marathons, Turkey trots, and other opportunities to join large groups of people to get a good run in.

Do Your Own Yard Work

Doing your own yard work in the fall is a great way to get outdoors and to stay in touch with your home and surrounding property. Get rid of clutter, rake all those leaves off the grass, and take some real pride in where you live.

Getting more active in the Fall will likely put a little wear and tear on your body, but no worries, because Scorca Chiropractic has your back. Contact us today to schedule your consultation if you’re dealing with neck pain, back pain, joint pain, or a number of additional health conditions we can help treat.