Kyphosis: the Problems of Exaggerated Spinal Curvature
Kyphosis: understanding the term
When viewed from the side, your spine‘s normal curvature is described according to the different segments: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. The thoracic segment has a forward curvature of between 20 and 50 degrees while the cervical and lumbar spines are defined as having lordosis, a complementary reverse curvature. Put together, they allow for an amazing range of motion in the upper body, while also stabilizing the moving parts and preventing injury. In scientific terms, we use kyphosis to refer to curvatures that are beyond the normal range- that is beyond 50 degrees- and cause postural deficiencies, back pain and dysfunction.
Kyphosis can develop during childhood
Exaggerated forward curvature can develop at any age and symptoms include:
- Hunched appearance
- Loss of height
- Spinal degeneration in the local area
- Mild to intense back pain
There are a myriad causes for kyphosis: it can be a result of genetic factors, illness, autoimmune disorders, acute traumatic injury, postural deficiency, spinal degeneration and poor posture. Nutrient deficiencies and neuromuscular disorders contribute to the presence of kyphosis in children; the most serious of all is congenital kyphosis which requires surgery to prevent the kyphosis from shaping the spine from the word go.
When kyphosis is suspected, an accurate diagnosis is a primary priority. At our office, we provide a comprehensive medical exam that includes medical history, a physical examination, postural analysis and diagnostic imaging if it is deemed necessary. This helps us form an accurate picture of what is causing your kyphosis, allowing us to set a goal-oriented treatment plan that will help you manage your condition.
How chiropractic treats kyphosis
Chiropractic‘s natural modalities are used in the following kyphosis-related applications:
- Reduce chronic pain and muscle spasms
- Lower inflammation
- Slow the speed of spinal degeneration in the thoracic region
- Rehydrate intravertebral discs and negate intradiscal pressure
- Improve range of motion in the spinal joints
These natural modalities help to mitigate the toll that kyphosis takes on your life. If you suspect you might be suffering from kyphosis, or want to find out more about our natural treatments, give our office in Fremont a call to schedule an appointment today.