Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis

You have recently been in an auto accident. You are most likely now dealing with the fallout of a life-altering collision: who will pay for the damage and how? A jumble of insurance paperwork and phone calls, police reports, how to get to and from work. You are feeling out of sorts and you may not even know you have sustained an injury. It is easy to forget, during this period of hassle and headache, that it is important to seek care for your body.

At Scorca Chiropractic Center, we are on your side. We are here to provide you with a full musculoskeletal examination that will identify indicators and symptoms of the recent trauma. We provide x-rays to explore the full extent of the impact and determine whether structural damage has occurred. We are primarily concerned with providing you a high level of gentle and safe care and maintaining documentation of the proper medical reports that will ensure your rights with the insurance company. It is important to get a full examination before you sign a settlement, as your injury may not be fully healed. An example of a condition that appears and worsens, sometimes long after auto-accidents occur is post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is defined as deterioration of the joint cartilage. If your joints or any of the surrounding, supportive muscles are impacted by the accident, the cartilage in the affected region may begin to wear down. This leaves the bones with no buffer and causes them to grind on each other. This is a degenerating condition that worsens as the cartilage erodes over time.

Post-traumatic osteoarthritis is a late appearing injury that can impact posture and cause discs to degenerate. It can lead to a build-up of scar tissue that causes stiffness and pain in the area that will increase overtime. If unaddressed, the stiffness and pain can become a chronic, defining part of your daily life. We encourage you to not let this happen.

There are techniques and therapies specifically designed to address post-traumatic osteoarthritis and its affect on the biomechanics of your body. We offer massage therapy, spinal adjustment, and physical therapy programs that will address the cause of pain and keep your body functioning and healthy after significant trauma caused by an accident. We are specialists in healing injuries caused by automobile accidents. We promise to offer you a comprehensive examination with a clear diagnosis and a plan of wellness designed specifically for you. Call our office in Fremont today at 510-656-9077 or e-mail at [email protected].

Francis Scorca, D.C. 


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